Plate Solve 2 takes validation frame during slewing

Hello, as the title suggests, I’ve started to have a very annoying issue with plate solving. It takes a reference frame and solves. No worry. Then it moves to where it thinks the object is, and takes a frame before the scope settles. Of course this ends up in an unsolvable streaky image.
Please note that this started half way through my imaging session. SGP usually doesn’t cause me such hassles.
Thoughts? Advice?
Thank you in advance

Do you have a value entered into the ‘Mount settling time:’ option in the Telescope Control Panel? As you can see I have 10 seconds entered and that seems to give enough time for everything to stop moving before trying the next exposure. Good luck. Gav.

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+1 for that,. Have mine set at 12 sconds

AHA!!! Excellent.