Recent software issues with Windows update anyone? (not SGP)

I decided to give imaging a break over the summer. Upon returning, I performed the normal daytime update of Windows 10 and noted and installed the latest ASCOM platform.

A few days later, I noticed that my Optec ASCOM server was throwing out warning messages - something to do with the fact that it had been tampered with and to get a signed version. It refuses to work reliably.

A fresh install made no difference ( or one from my archive either). Guessing it might be Win 10 again, I spent a few days going back to Win 7, updating and installing all the applications again, only to find that I get the same issue.

I rolled back what I thought to be the latest updates… no difference. I will roll back ASCOM to 6.3 tomorrow and try again.

Has anyone else seen strange behavior like this?

I have not. Have you reached out to the Optec folks to see if they’ve seen this issue before? @JeffDickerman and team are extremely responsive.


Hi Jared - it seems to be just an Optec thing, with Windows blocking an old certificate. Daniel has just responded with a beta - not quite there yet though but I think it is on the right track.

2 posts were split to a new topic: SGP UAC Prompts