Sequence Generator Beta is Released for Test

Sequence Generator Beta is Released for Test

Hello! Welcome to the 3.X beta for SGPro. As always, we aim to ensure that even our betas are stable, but please know that we do find bugs during this process.

  • Add: File naming token ‘%04’ for frame number padded to 4 digits.
  • Add: File naming token ‘%03’ for frame number padded to 3 digits.
  • Add: File naming token ‘%02’ for frame number padded to 2 digits.
  • Change: Labels for ‘Dither Every N Frames’ indicate that dithers come AFTER the chosen number… meaning, to dither after every 5th frame, use 5.
  • Change: Clicking on the planning tools graph to set start or end times will now automatically turn on and display the start or end time.
  • Change: If an end time cannot be calculated, SGPro will emit a warning notification
  • Change: Default file naming pattern now uses a naming convention that is compatible with PixInsight (and is ordered properly when using alpha sorting; replaces %fn with %04)
  • Fix: An issue where some sequences might have stale end times (i.e. the end time is for the correct time, but has a date in the past)
  • Fix: An issue where failure during the first autofocus routine would not allow for restart on SAFE to function properly.
  • Fix: An issue where ‘dither every N’ frames was off by one.
  • Fix: The ‘Dither every N frames’ feature no longer counts non-light frames.

You can find it here: