SGP and Primalucelab Eagle 1

Hi there. Hope you are all doing fine these troublesome days.
I own an Eagle for a couple of years. Great tool. One of my best buys ever.
However upgrading to SGP 3.1 immersed a number of problems varying from getting a working Windows 10 Pro version and a wifi board no longer supported by Microsoft.
Despite the fact that the Primalucelab factory is closed following Corona restrictions Filippo at Primalucelab coached and supported me from home on a daily basis to get my Eagle back to business.
Extensive instructions were send to me again and again. Spot on.
It worked great. My Eagle is back in business like new.
For me world class service.

… yes I’m looking at buying an Eagle for my set up because I can drive everything with my MacBook Pro or iPad Pro. So are you saying all the support Prima Luce provided, enables you to use SGO on the Eagle ? Wow what a hassle.

Don’t know what is meant with “hassle”.
The Eagle runs SGP perfectly.
Works great.

On my Eagle 2 I did update to windows pro but was never able to get the Wi-fi to work (Eagle can access a hot spot but cannot create one). Any clues you can provide on how you achieved that with your Eagle ?

Some older versions of the Eagle came with a fairly outdated version of Windows Enterprise Edition that used a fairly old framework version. The Enterprise Edition is very locked down and not updateable but also very stable. My understanding is that newer Eagles are shipping with newer versions of the Enterprise Edition so you basically just install/upgrade SGP and you’re done. Older versions of the eagle need to be updated to run SGP, but PrimaLuce has a process to do this.


It is best to contact Filipo at Primalucelab.
He has detailled written instructions how to proceed.
One thing to bear in mind for Instance is that my Eagle1 had a wifi board that was no longer supported by Microsoft.
Filipo informed me what to buy. Installation was a piece of cake.
My Eagle1 is as good as new again.