SGP reverted to trial

I have previously installed SGP on two machines (October 2016). After not using SGP for several months I fired it up and I find that on both machines SGP has reverted to an expired trial license and the licensing info that was posted to me when I purchased the product does not work. SGP claims incorrect password or username. I tried installing on a third machine with the same result’

You probably need to reset your password. You can find I fo here.

Thank you,

Hi Jared

Mystery partially solved. I had at some stage changed my forum
password, not realising that this was linked to the SGP password, so now
it works on both my laptops.

However I cannot get it to work on my desktop. (Geoff-PC). I have
uninstalled and reinstalled on the PC and removed this PC from “Manage
licenses”. When I open SGP I get the unregistered Lite Version and when
I enter details it claims “Success” and opens as the Lite version. On
closing and reopening SGP again requests registration details and when I
enter these it informs me that there are no more licenses left.



We’re working to (hopefully soonish) combine these two things! You’re not the only one with this confusion.

I’ve removed GEOFF-PC, you can try adding it again but let’s start from scratch. If you have any profiles on this machine you’ll want to back them up! They’ll be located in the SequenceGenerator folder below

  1. Backup your profiles! They’ll be located in the SequenceGenerator folder in step 3 (unless you have SGP set to store them elsewhere…then they’ll be there).
  2. Uninstall SGP
  3. Remove the following folders:```
4.  Reinstall and Register SGP

That should hopefully get things going again.  If not let me know and we can clear your entire account from our end and try again. 


All sorted now Jared. Thanks for your help.