SGP sequence window format problem

I notice, when I add sufficient targets into a sequence, the vertical scroll bar obscures the settings selector.
I do not seem to be able to size the window so it does not. Is this normal?

Hey Buzz,
SGP has done this forever, only happens there is 4 objects in the target list

3 or less Targets in the list the cog’s are still on view, 5 or more Targets in the list
and again, the cog’s are still in view.

4 Targets in the list = Covered up Cogs

I wouldn’t call it normal, it just hasn’t been dealt with…Yet !



Maybe the simplest solution is to put the cogs on the left hand side.

Maybe something specific to that OS? What are you running? Here’s what I see with Windows 10:




Buzz, at first I thought this might be happening because one of your target names was long, but my window resizes so the settings cog is shown. This must be a property of the OS or computer display settings you have.

I wound back to Windows 7 Pro and re-installed everything until the Win 10 issues blow over. It should not be a monitor limitation, it is a 27-inch imac.

I’m on Win 7 64bit Home here with a 24" 16:10 monitor, did the same to me when I had dual monitors at 19" each. It’s got to be something to do with Win 7 by the looks of it.
