Total number of focusing steps? Any place for that number in SGP?

Hi Everyone,

I got my brand new Moonlite CFL focuser and one of the things I did was calculate the total number of steps but now that I have that number, does it go anywhere in SGP?



No, I don’t believe so: SGP just needs to know the step size, how many data points to collect, and the number of steps required to remove backlash.


When setting up auto focus you have two parameters: number of data points and the number of steps. The number of data points is the total number of AF frames it will take and the number of steps is the number of steps the focuser should move between data point. The typical number of data points is 9 and the number of steps is focuser dependent. Your goal is to have the worse frame’s HFR be about 4x the best frame’s HFR.


Thanks everyone. I appreciate the answers